Crafting fun.

It’s raining here. (How many times have I said that this winter?)
The ironing was piling up (how many times have I said that!)
Miss C was trying to avoid paper working. ( there’s a theme appearing here!)
Anyway…. Crafts seemed to be a good compromise.
Miss C was keen to demonstrate the paper folding she had learnt at Guides last night.


That kept her busy for some time. She practised different sizes and joining techniques.
I made a start on the ironing.
We stopped for a coffee.
Miss C was straight back to the paper. She used a small flower to make a card and then decided to turn it into a thank you card.


I carried on with the ironing. We watched a documentary on monkeys comparing the brain sizes to community sizes in both South American and African. I think Miss C missed the relevance of this but she enjoyed the amazing photography and action. Good old David Attenborough.

Before we knew it we had passed almost 3 hours. The ironing was finished and Miss C was able to nip across the road to deliver the card to the neighbour who had given her a big bag of clothes last week. The joys of having neighbours with older teenage daughters. This house is full of handbags and unsuitable tops!

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