Just pottering.


The early bird catches the worm so I’m told but quite honestly this bird would rather lay in on a Saturday morning. Today was not to be. With the car in the garage first thing we were up at 6.30 as usual. Breakfasted, car delivered and drinking coffee in front of morning TV just after 8.
A couple of hours spent on my  community voluntary project, car collected and lunched by 1.30.
Hubby popped off to visit Great Nana. Miss C escaped back to the stables. I escaped to the summer house.
The sun was shining. The seed potatoes sitting on the dining table were calling, and getting in the way at meal times…


I needed to do something with them and although they are destined for special vegetable bags, it is still to cold to put them outdoors. The bags have holes in the bottom, the summerhouse floor is carpeted, so not waterproof, and the trays I had intended to stand the bags on have seed pots in. 1 litre pots are the answer, I can drop them into the bags later on.


Some went into the last tray. The rest went straight onto the shelf. They will have to wait until Monday to be watered in after hubby goes and gets more trays. How lucky that he works in town for all my shopping needs!


Beside them you might be able to see the peas I’ve sown in toilet roll tubes. They stand on a shelf from Miss C’s toy kitchen. Everything is reused in my garden, and abandoned toys are fair game!

I nipped down to check the chickens and rescued this little fellow from the run


They wander in through the chicken gate to steal the pellets and then get stuck trying to fly out.


This one might be the same one I rescued yesterday as he seemed very calm about the whole experience.


Visitors are always welcome in the hen house it seems.


This is ( from left) Flash, Gert, Peggy and Hettie. The bench was a wedding present 15 years ago. It is past its best but I’m to sentimental to throw it away so the chickens got it instead. They love to roost on it looking in their mirror.



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