What a difference a day makes.

The first sunset this part of the garden has ever seen.

In my last post https://acquest13.wordpress.com/2019/02/26/dont-cast-a-clout/

I was moaning about the leylandii hedge that has blighted my garden ever since we have lived here. Initially it was around 6ft but over the years it’s growth has been amazing and my patience even more so!

Yesterday the family and various workmen arrived and in one day cut most of it down. It helped that health and safety was lacking and youthful exuberance was high. The, almost gale force at times, wind added to the excitement.

Miss C kept an almost constant watch and rushed in with regular updates. She was at her most excitable when tales of bad language or imminent danger could be relayed.

The workmen are reduced to one today and he has spent the day clearing the fallen branches from next doors garden. The hardest part of the tree, the one part that could demolish my summerhouse or worse part of our other neighbours house is still there. I don’t know how they plan on doing that bit but I just hope they do. Only time will tell.

Laugh of the day goes to Miss C. She came back full of admiration to tell me. ‘the man on the cherry picker couldn’t hear them shouting at him over the noise of his chainsaw. He had a really good idea, he shouted at them to text him if they wanted anything.’

When I pointed out that he would have to turn off the chainsaw to read the text and then would be able to hear them anyway so perhaps just waving would get his attention, she looked at me scathingly and said’ why would they want to talk to each other when they could text? ‘

I think I’m better in the garden than the modern world 😉