Waiting for the autumn.

This year is another one that has had us Brits scratching our heads. The winter was mild, the spring was hot and dry. The summer started wet but is now one of the hottest on record.

In the garden nature carries on. The weeds are taking over and the time available to keep on top of them is to short.

My front garden, which clearly should showcase my home, is an embarrassing mess. Having cut the pyracantha right back over winter, we exposed bindweed which is now taking full advantage of my neglect. Dahlia and fuchsia usually showcase this area after the lavender, but this year are still small and puny.

My lavender hedge is lovely and as you walk by, the smell is a treat.

Every area is covered in bumble bees. Who are there from dawn to dusk, often even sleeping in the flowers.

In contrast, the honey bees cover the oregano and marjoram.

If we still had chickens they would love the leycesteria, but no doubt the blackbirds will find them soon enough.

Something I have never seen before is the Ash tree. We cut it back years ago and since then have let it grow for a couple of years and then cut it for peasticks. We left it last winter, hoping for larger sticks this autumn.

The wet summer saw unprecedented growth and I’m assuming it was still soft and sappy when the heat hit. Amazingly whole branches are just bending over and hanging. The tree has a ring collared dove nest with young in it, so we don’t want to disturb it to much but it will all have to come down.

Another job for the growing ‘Autumn Jobs’ list!

The next step.

The next stage of our building work was meant to be replacing the windows. After a couple of failed starts we found a handyman who seemed promising.

The poor man turned up as expected. Started the job and was rather surprised to find that the lintel on one window was rotten from the water damage and the other didn’t even have one. Luckily he was unfazed by this and after a few days delay while he did other jobs, he returned with nice new concrete lintels and scaffold.

These bricks were resting on the window frame and could even be supporting the roof but they’ve gone now.

They say you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. I think my bathroom is officially broken!

I’ve got one new window and downstairs gets done next week.

Things can only get better.

Small things.

Ground elder is a constant nuisance in my garden and I just can’t keep on top of it.

I guess I should be grateful that it at least has one use. Hoverflies just love it.