A day of treats.


In a bid to avoid maths Miss C declared that she thought she could bake cakes without any help from yours truly.
She spent a little while finding a recipe and with only minimum input made a tray of fairy cakes.

While she waited for them to cook I suggested she have a play with some fondant icing we had. There were two reasons. One she was totally engaged and I didn’t want to lose that. More importantly I had two blocks of icing left from Halloween and one from Christmas.
I had had great intentions of making pumpkin and witches cats for the Halloween cupcakes. I ran out of time and settled for buttercream swirls in orange and black instead so now I have lots of short date fondant, and it’s not the sort I could feed to the bees so it’s got to be used.


We started slowly. Neither of us really knowing what to make. Then Miss C started to experiment.




She made a penguin and then a cat.


A whole plate full followed. The bee is mine, I never claimed to be artistic!


I did make some flowers. Miss C made a few more…


and a better bee. Just to show me how it was done. That one’s so thick it is guaranteed to give tooth decay instantly I think.


Then we piped the rest as time was drawing on.



Just as we were finishing there was a knock on the door. A large delivery box


and some wonderful cranberry plants ordered only last week arrived.


I’m not sure the photo does them credit. They are well rooted and bigger than I expected. After all I only paid £3.95 each for them from CJ Wildlife.
http://www.birdfood.co.uk which is a great price compared to other places I’ve looked. I just have to hope they grow now!

I am so excited about the garden this year.  Lots of good things to look forward to, and cake for tea!

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