The slapdash gardener.


Now it’s nothing to be proud of, but when it comes to gardening my method can only be described as random. I like a bargain so mostly only buy an item when i see it reduced. That is usually at the wrong moment in time so I put it to one side and forget about it.


These Aliums are a prime example. Purchased in the January sales last year, left in the bag to long, planted quickly in pots and left on patio. They grew blind last autumn so not very interesting, I slipped them in amongst some bigger pots for winter frost protection and forgot them again. Here they are today looking a bit stretched and bent. Should I plant in the garden, leave on the corner… What to do…
I decided to top up the compost and put on the summer house for a day or two while I consider.


Then there’s the asparagus that had grown in the bag. Not so much my fault. Hubby only brought them last week but a week in the kitchen was perhaps not optimum growing conditions.
Seen here with the pumpkin seeds, two years out of date that just might grow. They share an old washing up bowl to catch the drips when I over water them.


I’ve planted lots of seeds today. All free packets from the front of my Garden News magazine. Hubby gets me a yearly subscription through work. He tries poor man!


Some it said to put undercover on the windowsill indoors. Like I need any more stuff laying forgotten in the house, so outside they all go. Do or die my friends, do or die.

So basically my style is slapdash. I’d like to say I’m better in other areas. But I’m not. This afternoon’s job was meant to be tackling the ironing pile. It’s fallen over twice this week and is now so tall it’s become two. Perhaps I’ll do it after a cup of coffee, perhaps I’ll lower my standards and not iron half of it. Who needs smooth tea towels, pyjamas, t-shirts that only go under jumpers, anyway. In fact who has time for an iron at all when the sun is shining and the garden is calling.

There’s always tomorrow for housework.

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